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Vien Origins

A fair representation of my mother side of our family.

Early Origins of the Vien family

The surname Vien was first found in Burgundy (French: Bourgogne), an administrative and historical region of east-central France where this renowned family held a  family seat since ancient times.

Descendants of this family divided into numerous branches as they prospered and established themselves in various regions. The Mirebeau branch of the family was established by Jean Vienne, Lord of Mirebel-en-Montagne around 1283, and one of his descendants was the Chamberlain to the Duke in 1399. Another Jean de Vienne was the Admiral of France in 1373, but unfortunately, he was killed at Nicopolis in 1396. Many members of this family were granted lands and titles in recognition of their bravery and acts of heroism displayed on the battlefield. Philippe, Hugues V's son, was the founder of the branch of the family of Lords of Pimont, Ruffey and the Counts of Commarin, during the 1300's. Notable among this branch of the family are: G?rard, Knight of the Order of the King and of Queen El?onore of Hungary, Knight of Honour in the Parliament of Dijon in 1515; Jean, Baron of Ruffey, Governor of Bourbonnais and a Knight of Orders; Jacques-Fran?ois, Lieutenant-General in Bourgogne, and the father of Charles, Baron of Ch?teauneuf and of Chevreau, and the Lieutenant-General of armies; Henri, Count of Commarin and the Lieutenant-General of Commarin who resigned in 1671; and Louis-Henri, Count of Vienne and Colonel of the Cavalry who died in 1793. A distinguished author of his time, Joseph Marie Vien, known also as "the Elder," lived from 1716 to 1809. Other branches of this noble family include the Barons of Chevreau, the Pagny branch, the Lords of Rollans and of Listenois, the Barons of Clairvaux, and the Lords of Saint-Georges and of Sainte-Croix. The family were deeply religious and some members of the family joined the clergy. The Archbishops of Besan?on and of Rouen, and the Priests of Langres and of Chalon were from this family.

Jean Vien, born in 1648, son of Vivien-Jean and Suzanne (n?e Herault), travelled from France to Canada in the 17th century. After arriving in Quebec he married Catherine Gateau, born in 1651, daughter of Odart and Genevieve (n?e Drouet), on 29th November 1671. They remained together in Quebec and had children that all carried on the surname of Vien or Viens. [1]

Early History of the Vien family

This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Vien research. Another 98 words (7 lines of text) covering the years 1180, 1256, 1283, 1300, 1373, 1396, 1399, 1515, 1671, 1716, 1793, and 1809 are included under the topic Early Vien History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Vien Spelling Variations

Spelling variations of this family name include: Vienne, Viennes, Viene, Vienes, Vyenne, Vyennes, Vyene, Vyenes, Vien, Viens, Vyen, Vyens, Le Vienne and many more.

Early Notables of the Vien family (pre 1700)

More information is included under the topic Early Vien Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible.

Canada Vien migration to Canada +

Some of the first settlers of this family name were: 

Vien Settlers in Canada in the 17th Century
  • Mr. Ren? Vien, French labourer travelling to Canada to work for Fran?ois Peron, arriving on 11th April 1656 [2]
  • Jean Vien, son of Vivien and Suzanne, who married Catherine Gasteau, daughter of Odart and Genevi?ve, in Quebec on 29th November 1671 [3]
Vien Settlers in Canada in the 18th Century
  • Louis Vien, son of Pierre and Marguerite, who married Ang?lique Derome, daughter of Michel and Madeleine, in Quebec on 17th September 1742 [3]
  • Joseph Vien, son of Joseph and Jacqueline, who married Marguerite Beaufort, daughter of Joseph and Marie-Josephte, in Champlain, Quebec on 9th November 1757 [3]
  • Joseph Vien, son of Pierre and Catherine, who married V?ronique Th?roux, daughter of Pierre and Rose, in Saint-Michel-d'Yamaska, Quebec on 2nd February 1761 [3]
  • Pierre Vien, son of Jean-Baptiste and Charlotte, who married Madeleine Lemieux, daughter of Gabriel and Madeleine, in Chambly, Quebec on 11th January 1768 [3]
  • Jean Vien, who settled in Quebec in 1774

Contemporary Notables of the name Vien (post 1700) +

  • Henry Grady Vien, American politician, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, 1942-43 [4]
  • Hon. Thomas Vien, Member of Parliament, Senator from Quebec

Date15 Jan 2022
File nameVien Orgins
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